Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Las Vegas Finally Gets A Break From The Heat

This summer has even particularly hot for the entire country, especially Las Vegas.  The Las Vegas Valley has experienced triple digit temperatures for the better part of the summer, but recently the change in the rather has given a nice break in the heat for all those living or staying in Las Vegas.  For a city in the middle of the desert that doesn't get much precipitation it has rained a decent amount in the past week for Las Vegas.  The cloud cover and rain has helped the temperatures in Las Vegas to stay well below 100 and the locals and visitors are very happy for the drop in temperature.  But along with the cooler temps the rain brought higher humidity to make it feel hotter and stickier than it actually is.  And the rain storms prohibit many outdoor activities and hinder many travel arrangements.  All in all the Las Vegas is happy to have some cool weather during the hottest part of the year.  If you are in Vegas then enjoy the cooler weather while you can because it is going to get right back up to 110 soon enough.

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